From € 55,00
For lovers of sustainable mobility and sport, the bicycle is the most chosen means, more and more people now use it for moving around the city but also for cycling outside the city.
Suitable for young and old, cycling has become part of the tourist itineraries for some time.
For the enthusiasts or only for those who want to give a green touch to their holiday.
A EASY bike tour to discover the main “Arab-Norman” monuments of the historic center. Starting from the famous Red Domes of the church of San Cataldo, we will ride along the Cassaro to the majestic Duomo and then enter the heart of the old historic market
- churches of Martorana and Cataldo (UNESCO heritage)
- fountain of Pretoria
- Four Corners (Quattro Canti)
- Cassaro street
- Bologni Square,
- Cathedral (UNESCO heritage)
- Old street market
DURATION: 2 hours